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Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
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If you missed our last edition, here are lots of fun facts stackers shared.
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Graham's Number is so big, that if you could hold all its digits in your head, the information density within your skull would exceed that of a black hole.
[Of course bigger numbers exist (infinitely many!), but for a long time Graham's Number was the largest number to ever be useful in a mathematical proof.]
The longest English word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which is forty-five letters long and refers to a type of lung disease.
The fear of long words is called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
This 36-letter word was first used by the Roman poet Horace in the first century BCE to criticise those writers with an unreasonable penchant for long words
wow--until now the most sesquipedalian word I knew was floccinaucinihilipilification.
😆 if you say it out loud it doesn't even sound like English
Turkish long word: Çekoslovakyalılaştıramadıklarımızdandırlar. Meaning: They are from that we were not able to make them Czechoslovakian. Google Translator couldn't translate it.🤣🤣🤣
There are more possibilities for how a chess game can play out than there are atoms in the observable universe
There are ~10^80 atoms in the observable universe.
oooooooh that tickled my lil science brain
There are more hydrogen atoms in a single glass of water than stars in the entire solar system!
You'll love this video if you havent already seen it
Regarding the game of Go:
"....suggesting a game-tree complexity of 10^360. For the number of theoretically possible games, including games impossible to play in practice, Tromp and Farnebäck give lower and upper bounds of 10^1048 and 10^10^171 respectively. The lower bound was improved to a googolplex by Walraet and Tromp. The most commonly quoted number for the number of possible games, 10^700 is derived from a simple permutation of 361 moves or 361! = 10^768. Another common derivation is to assume N intersections and L longest game for NL total games. For example, 400 moves, as seen in some professional games, would be one out of 361^400 or 1 × 10^1023 possible games." - Wiki
If we print all bits of the bitcoin blockchain on paper in a single line, using Courier New font, size 10, it would be a distance of 13 round trips to the moon.
Courier New, size 10
42 characters = 10 cm

2023/12/06 Data
531.12 Gbytes = 531 120 000 000 bytes * 8 = 4 248 960 000 000 bits
4 248 960 000 000 bits / 42 = 1 011 657 142 857 cm
1 011 657 142 857 cm = 10 116 571 km
distance earth/moon = 384 400 km
10 116 571 km / 384 400 km = 26,3 earth -> moon

13 round trips to the moon
or 252 times around the globe
You might think that truffles ranging in price from about $700-$4000/kg would make it ripe for an industry to farm it effectively to capture the marginal cost of production, but truffles require such a complex environment in nature to produce that nobody has managed to successfully create an artificial truffle farm--it requires soil balance and a symbiotic relationship with specific trees (oak, hazel, birch or fir).
oh, also, truffle oil is mostly a myth--it's mostly made from petroleum byproduct because squeezing the oil from truffles would be entirely too expensive and it turns out that petroleum byproducts produce 2,4-Dithiapentane and there's no regulatory requirement that it's pulled from truffles to be called truffle oil.
So next time you order truffle fries, something to think about...
If a glass of water were magnified to the size of the whole earth, each molecule would be the size of a tennis ball.
Just one Bitcoin transaction consumes enough water to fill up an average backyard swimming pool
Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose.
Scientists in Italy are experimenting with a pill made from the same material as disposable nappies to help people lose weight.The pill expands to 1,000 times its original size in about 30 minutes, making the person feel full up, so that they dont eat.The effect lasts about two hours.
Frozen smoke is a solid that is 99 per cent air its real name is aerogel. It looks transparent but hazy just like frozen smoke!.
Meghalayain India has 1,187 millimetres (467 inches) of rain a year, making it the rainiest place in the world.
Eating a banana at night can help in falling asleep.
The longest journey ever made on a tractor was 21,199 kilometres (13,172 miles) in Russia in 2005.
In 1896 in a factory in Massachusetts, USA,Dureyas cars became the first mass-produced cars ever made when a run of 13 were built.
A tromatolite is a blob of algae and mud found on Australian beaches, naturally sculpted into the shape of a mushroom.
Marek Turowski (UK) reached a speed of 148 kilometres (92 miles) per hour driving a motorized couch in May 2007.
Algae can live almost anywhere they get into rocks through tiny cracks which leave them just enough sunlight to keep them alive.
Cyanideis a poison that can be made from several plants. A tiny amount is deadly in just five minutes.
Scientists are trying to make nanoswimmers tiny devices that can swim through blood vessels to keep people healthy or cure illness.
The durian fruitsmells foul like rotting fish but tastes great! Its a favourite of orang-utans.
There is enough lead in a pencil to draw a line that is 56 kilometres (35 miles) long.Youd need a good pencil sharpener though!.
The bark of the redwood tree cant burn.When there are wildfires in redwood forests, it is the inside of the tree that burns!.
Doctors in ancient Egypt would give patients an electric shock with a catfish to treat the pain caused by arthritis.
Tiny robots are used in microsurgery. They are so small they can fit inside your arteries.
Russian scientists are experimenting with concrete submarines.They would not show up on sonar displays, as they would look the same as rocks or sand.
Rainforests cover a mere 2 per cent of the earth, yet more than half of all plant and animal species live there.
When a gas pipeline leaks in the California desert, workers put a chemical into the gas that attracts vultures.The vultures gather where the gas leaks out, so workers only need to spot the vultures to find the leak.
A Hungarian called Ladislo Biro invented the first ballpoint pen in 1938.
A laser is a very narrow beam of powerful light. It is so straight that it doesnt spread out even over huge distances. A laser beam can be reflected off a mirror on the Moon and return back to Earth in a straight line.
Dropping, heating or hammering a magnet can reduce its magnetic power.
If an electric current is applied to two glasses of water standing next to each other, with the positive electrode in one glass and the negative in the other, the water will climb up the walls of the glass and form a bridge between the two glasses in mid-air to allow the current to flow.
At temperatures below about minus 25 degrees Celsius (minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit), bubbles can freeze in the air and shatter when hitting the ground.
The roots of some pine trees can extend for 48 kilometres (over 30 miles).
Some Aspen forests are actually one genetically identical tree. See Pando forest in Utah.
Fun fact. There are no facts. Everything is subjective. This is my opinion anyways.
The shortest war in history lasted just 38 to 45 minutes between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896
The longest walking distance in the world is 14,000 miles! https://images.app.goo.gl/R7E552jamnW8AJRT7
Cutting bamboo actually hastens its growth because a cut bamboo stalk will simply unfurl new leaves
Touching the dirt with your bare feet releases endorphins in your body.
Solve carefully…
25 - 55 + (85 + 65) =
You probably won't believe it, but this equals 5!
1 sat = 1 sat
The most popular internet domain code is not .com but .tk.
That’s for Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand. With almost 25m domains registered there, as mentioned in this video shared yesterday on SN.
Mount Everest is not the tallest mountain on Earth; Mauna Kea and Loa in Hawaii, the twin volcanoes, are taller than the Mount Everest
Diamonds are made from the same chemical as the lead in pencils, but the atoms are arranged differently.
One fun fact about Friday that people may not know is that the word "Friday" has its roots in Norse mythology. In Old English, Friday was named after the Norse goddess Frigg, who was associated with love and fertility and was considered the wife of Odin, the chief god. The day was originally called "Frīgedæg" in Old English, meaning "Day of Frigg."
In Romance languages, Friday is named after the Latin phrase "dies Veneris," which means "day of Venus." Venus was the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. So, whether you look at it from a Norse or a Roman perspective, Friday has interesting mythological connections.