Post your art! It can be anything: drawing, painting, AI assisted creation, a poem. Only requirement is that it’s something you had a hand in making (don’t grab stuff from the interwebs, y’all)—I want to see the art you are making. Best comment gets the bounty!
Here’s a pad of stickers from my traveling sketchbook:
10,000 sats paid
this territory is moderated
antic's bounties
This is a drawing by my girlfriend. She's fully orange-pilled so I'm sure she would appreciate some sats!
a poem I wrote and pictures I took
@plebpoet right? looks like you got logged out somehow and ended up as an anon. check your state. Great poem :)
are you a fan?
I saw your original post in ~art and read some of your stuff. It’s good. Don’t worry, I’m not a stalker ;)
not worried, that is cool!
those movie posters are genius. you win.
Hey! Wow! Thanks so much! Love the concept of an art sharing post!
reply PURPLE IS THE NEW ORANGE 30x30cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
Completed 09 December 2023
Available on my website:
My daughter's doodle at the Fearless Girl statue in NYC a few weeks back:
ceramic breakfast plate I did
I don't know what's happening here but I like it.
thks :)
it s a beginner's draw, (started drawing when covid started)
well, keep it going. I started drawing in 2011. It's a great way to destress--and there's never been a better time to start with all the free resources online. When I was a kid, the idea of studying art was like the idea of magically becoming rich enough to afford that kind of luxury. Now, the barriers are practically non-existent.
Absoultly agree and thks
My profile picture, drawn by me with Krita.
Shading done with a single layer, learned how from this video.
Few pages from my son's latest comic, Magolor's REALMS. He just turned 11 and loves to read comics and draw.
My 16 year old niece drew these drawings. If I win the prize, she will get the satoshis.
Future hodler artists won’t be the starving kind!
I love the organic controlled chaos of watercolor.
Make War Unaffordable with Bitcoin ☮️✊
If you want peace, join Bitcoin. If you want war, go to Fiat.
"In 2005 the light was perfect in the 3rd floor apartment we held. As the spartan pad produced some interesting visual effects in the Mayberry Techno tradition. OgFOMK ArTS Studio Norfolk presents the Artist Velvit Reverend Al sketching boustrophedon with a time-laps camera. Music is provided with permission by Nabbee Swift (AKA No Joke G.)."
From OgFOMK Arts website...
Yours Truly in action...
Same room as in video but different drawing embellished.
More stuff here...
This was the final drawing...
reply HERE COMES THE SUN 30x30cm, Oil on cradled wood panel My original oil painting. From this shot of our very talented photographer Onyx.Vixen on Nostr, came the photo from which I took inspiration to create that painting sunset.
Other my paintings are here:
Your stickers would make great postage stamps! It would be nice if your stamps were hand drawn and the post office liked them so much that they processed the mail as postage paid because your stamps looked cool.
From 1-0
“Oh fuck!”, I said out loud as I fell to the mat. I knew my heart might explode. I was told to count down from 10. I can remember making it to 7 before I was gone… Somehow I am protected from the heat. Somehow I still exist. I still feel a memory or something like a memory. The thought is gone, but I believe I am still here. Somehow this white hot light that keeps my everything warm like the sun, still preserves all I used to think I was, while also preparing this vessel for all that has ever been and will be. It feels like too much to hold at once. It’s all new to me. This pain, this comfort. To be held in this way, threatens all that I know to be true. Is it really okay to let go now? Is this the beginning, or the end? Somehow I now remember what it felt like in my mother’s womb. Pure surrender. Pure hell. Pure love. This always was and always will be. I do know I am terrified. I don’t know if we are supposed to vibrate like this. I see my magical wand now, shaped like a human hand. The hand creates from a space outside of this simple slow moving plain. Its eye sees through the fabric of time and space. It bends all that may be into pleasing colorful lights, beaming from its center. This is creation. Never to be stopped, owned, twisted, distorted, or ruined. I am all and all is one. As I remember my body, my mouth begins to move. The words fly out faster than what feels humanly possible. Am I still human? Am I GOD? Is there a difference? If I only I could explain to these people what I just experienced. We could have peace. “Please listen to me!” I yell with extreme excitement. Daniel would tell me later that when I came back into my body, my ego was awfully excited. What does he know? I am the one with the vision. I talk to god. Do you talk to god? He probably doesn’t understand anything I am saying right now. I finally start to come down. I am not sure if I was out for hours or for minutes. I woke from a dream and now everything was brand new. Maybe I am not god, but did I at least meet him? I don’t really remember now. It’s all so confusing. But I feel amazing, so I guess it was a “good” experience. “Why are humans so basic?”, I think, “I sure hope I didn’t make a scene, that would be embarrassing.” The more I come down, the more I begin to feel my body. My joints feel worked, muscles strained, bruised, and broken feeling. What happen to me? My head hurts. Before we began the ceremony, Daniel told me “Sometimes, the toad can feel like being hit by a truck.” He wasn’t wrong. I want to know everything. I ask him and his partner, who helped manage empty body during my journey, every question I could come up with to try and gain some sort of insight into what I had just experienced. Both of their faces wore smiles bigger than I had ever seen. Tears streamed down her face. They did their best to explain. Words didn’t feel helpful. All I really gather is I went deep, really deep. And while I was in, my body thrashed around, outside of their control. As I ponder my new aches, I recall a roll over car accident I was in when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I haven’t thought of that in years. On the drive home I searched for a fast food joint. Some place with big juicy cheeseburgers. Daniel had told me that I should just take care of myself, even if I felt like I wanted a burger. But why did I want a burger? Recently I had been mostly a vegetarian. And today there was something in me that just needed that extra bit of protection, something heavy. Everything was so bright and loud. Something big had happened to me. What was it? I was staying in a camper parked at my friends property in Southern Tucson, AZ. It was only me. I wondered why they had this big nice house with no one living in it. That night, I felt a peace that I had never experienced before. Maybe this medicine did some serious healing. Maybe this will change everything. As I prepare to lay down, I had the first of many reactivations. It started with a smell. The toad medicine was still there with me. I knew it probably would never leave me. In fact, I now knew it had always been with me. My dreams were really something that night. When I woke, I was on fire. I felt reborn. The cuts and bruises would heal. I am a young powerful man. I can do anything, I thought. I felt inspired to drive around the beautiful desert and look for land that was for sale. The drive sounded like a treat. “This is a new beginning”, I thought. I put on some of my favorite music, hearing it through a new set of human ears. I just figured out why this one of my favorite albums, even though I had been listening to it for 21 years. My truck needed gas. Pulling into the gas station, I felt fresh. No need for breakfast. I am solar powered and I have infinite energy. I enter through the main entrance at the larger than normal fuel stop. The weight of the world seem to be trapped within the sealed box. The corpses inside seemed to embody more hurt than I had ever previously known. When I broke that seal, I shared the air, I owned the pain. I sucked it all out. I ran out immediately as tears and sobs burst from my broken down meat suit. This was it. I finally did it. This was a mistake I thought. What is this can, and what are worms? Am I going to die alone?
So this is is a song I've been working on. Only thing is I can't sing. >.< The lyrics are finished and I've been working with AI to finish it all lyrics were my own. This isn't a final version - still working on audio. It's called Reefer Madness and is about the history of Weed. I plan to sell the final version as a full song. 🎶
I would love to do hand drawings of these but honestly I just don't get the time. So I used an ai to generate some colorful African tribal masks for me. #Ai #AfricanTribalMasks Hope that some of you guys like it. I also have single images. Would be cool to have a thread here specifically for ai generated art. And a separate thread for art by hand. Kudos🤠
I tried to replicate a photo of myself :)
Oh, an excellent hand portrait. I used to draw but over the years I think I've lost my technique
Thank you. I'm not that good I'm working to improve
I should have specified in the post: I’ll do a final review tomorrow at 9am CST to give the payout so there’s a timeline. I’ll probably make this a weekly event just like Fun Fact Friday :)
Site-specific installation I made in UK 2019.
Hello. I think these sketchbooks are very beautiful. My daughter-in-law is also a little artist. I draw everywhere.
Tough choices. Thanks for posting everyone. Share more art on this territory!
A drawing from my sober for me 🧡
Hi! Nice stickers! I’m 25 years old, I love art and adore to create new things too! My main goal is to improve in what I am doing ! House music 👀🔥🎵 I actually have a YouTube channel where I share my creations :
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woooow beautiful. wen SN store??
haha, thanks! I learned it so to decorate my own place:) hard to find something with soul/ personal meaning these days.
I love these things, I have dysgraphia so I always appreciate seeing such elegant strokes.
Beautiful! What does it mean?
Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah.
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