This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Back to working on multiple auth methods.
I had no idea how much non-programming work would be involved in running a startup. I have 3 hours left in my workday today and I'm just getting to programming.
I need to get better with time management. Maybe I should hard cutoff non-programming at 11a and if I don't get to it, push it to the next day.
Maybe it’s time to hire a programmer?
also can we talk about the sat symbol? its not easy on the hand -i know who does hand writing anymore. But the $ and most letters and numbers is at most two strokes with a pen, the sat symbol is 5. Try write it in your hand. I think we can do better.
I don't like the proposed symbol either. It's visually complicated imo.
Took vitamin d before bed and slept like an angel. Placebo?
Maybe if you're super deficient?
Is there a reason post titles don't have a shorter limit?
There is one post on the main page with a title that takes up 4 full lines on mobile, which makes it less of a title and more of a paragraph.
Limiting titles to 100 characters would be roughly 2 lines max on mobile, and would clean up the UX.
No reason other than I haven't ever added title length. I was thinking a limit somewhere in 80-140 chars is good.
Could even do something fun like, every character after 80 is 1 more sat, or exponentially more sats, or whatever.
that would be hilarious if each post cost 1 sat per x amount of characters. less shit talking i would imagine and more concise comments. heh
💡 An idea for a future sub!
I really like that idea. Put your money where your mouth is... literally :)
Why not for all comments?
True, adding exponential cost for posters could be an interesting solution. We'd probably want to be super clear with users about how the fees are structured though... the simpler the system, the better.
Also, I think Google begins truncating titles after 55-70 characters, so that's a reference point for SEO considerations.
New Lightning Auction
New story about the item
I had a really great day yesterday just doing chores.
I made vanilla flavored simple syrup that I'm enjoying in my coffee right now. :D
Heading to the shipyard. Have to finish installing the rudder on a fishing boat named "Thanks Buds"
Jealous of you working with your hands!
the industry has many positions open, but I'm guessing you wouldn't like the pay so much!
one day, though, bitcoin boat!
I might not. Plus I do love programming.
Physically building things is just rewarding in a whole other way. The results are tangible and relatively permanent.