I wanted to discuss what really Elon Musk meant with this sentence. Any theory? Why to use Earth to mention people insthead the world, is there any double meaning between lines?
I think it's just a stumble of words and he mean basically X and public perception.... chill
Listening to elon, he's already in a "different" headspace regarding humanity, kinda how bitcoiners are with money.
He seems to already be in the multiplanetary mindset, and thinking of "earth people" and "moon people" and "mars people" etc..
That mental model likely leaks out in moments like these, but overall i agree with @cyberpunk02 it's probably just a fluke
interesting point of view. It makes sense.
From which context, article or video did he say this?
This was Fortune Magazine's take:
The richest person alive then warned that earth’s collective nations would judge the corporations turning their backs on X should they stand by and do nothing as the social media platform he bought for $44 billion goes bankrupt.
“The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company, and we will document it in great detail,” he said. “Let’s see how earth responds to that.”
I personally think he's just batshit crazy.