Damn. Thanks for providing the detailed post-mortem for posterity. This is a good reminder (again), just like the Bitpay/copay/event-stream hack, developers of financial software have an overwhelming responsibility to test the living shit out of supposedly supported software integrations and dependencies to prevent end users from attacks/exploits. Simply saying “this is beta/experimental software” is not going to fly.
The worst part is that I didn't even get an apology! NOTHING. Complete silence from the LNbank developer @d11n.
The exchange and BTCPay team could use their influence to start a crowdfund and help the people that got destroyed... Just sayin...
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Perhaps my intention was never to expose @d11n to liability but only get an apology and collaboration. Please notice I only replied to him after the bug was corrected contrary to what he argues that "I was correcting the bug..."