Just starting to realize that I'm searching less and less through Google and other search engines, instead I'm using SN to ask other stackers directly.
It's really cool to know that there are individuals whose purpose is to help you, instead of sponsored posts or blogs of well positioned marketers who want to sell you any bullshit.
Also be sure to search on SN, too. There is a plethora of good information that has been discussed previously.
Of course! 🍻
always better to get inflormation directly from actual people without all the mountain of business and political incentives that come with institutional interaction. First rule of organizational sociology: Institutions are structurally incapable of giving you a straight and honest answer.
Fully agree, thanks for commenting
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Looks great, thank you
kagi.com when SN is not enough
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you pay or you are the product :)
interesting I also use google search less and less, usually only for a website I don’t recall the complete name
I agree. I am finding these days google does not give me what I want. They give me what they think I want but I end up scrolling to find the page I am looking for. I don't want a little cookie cutter google approved response.
SN is definitely getting better for searching
Stacker news can become future search engine !
We need a bitcoiner endorsed chatbot for answering questions too
Also - doing a Google site search on stacker.news gives better results than a stacker.news search. Right now on stacker.news, the multi-word search doesn't return the right results.
And for privacy, you can do this in an alternative search engine, with a VPN.
In Google search, you can do something like this:
site:stacker.news germany nuclear
...and get the best results, with both search terms. You search like this:
site:stacker.news "nuclear plants"
...if you want to search a phrase. At this point, I don't think it's possible using the stacker.news search.
When SNGPT chatbot?
I've actually been using ChatGPT more and more rather than google. I can treat it like my really smart friend and it fills in the lot of the blanks when I can't formulate a question for google very easily to get the search results I want using natural language.
Imagine when you start using ~polls to learn things