Very impressive! I have not attempted a fast yet but I do believe it could be very helpful for me. What length did you start at?
I started at 12 hours many years ago. It felt very tough, but I was quite convinced that it is not natural to be eating all day. We had a dog whom only ate once a day and was mostly okay about it. I saw the same pattern in many bigger animals with fat deposits.
After that I transitioned quite easily to 16-8 Intermittent Fasting (eat for 8 hours, fast for 16), and once I reached 16, 22 was easy especially if I went on a hike while fasting and kept myself entertained.
I spend a lot of time at home, and we have children who often eat very different foods than I eat (you can't force broccoli and kale to kids), so fasting is the best option. Else I was eating what they eat and became fat very quickly.