Brother, I was a developer and sysadmin myself for many years. Old school python dev. Once I learned a great lesson with someone I respect a lot... "If you want you server to be completely 1000% secure, disconnect both the network cable and power cable."
I understand nothing can be 1000% totally secure but after running 2 LN nodes for almost 2 years, using always latest versions of LND, using a great firewall on my network and many other things like researching all the time and being aware of bug reports, I had 0 (zero) issues with the LND node itself. Considering this I felt I could trust LND and my implementation to have it in production. And for 2 years all went fine until a installed BTCPay server a few months ago.
Regarding the rest of your comment, I totally agree 100% with you.
I believe, you did your best.
It is now important to prevent such silly things in the future as much as we can. Bitcoin is not a toy anymore.
Take care.
With all due respect, in retrospect I don't think you should consider "I had 0 (zero) issues" as a condition to put all your life savings or deduce something is bug free. If you are not risk adverse, putting 1/4 would have been better. Just one example: many people use bash and yet there was a critical bug discovered in it in 2015 I think, heartbleed. And yet it was considered safe to use for years.