STATUS UPDATE (Dec 13th 2023):
To be completely fair and just I want to clarify something I didn't know when I first posted my article. Only a few days after my original post I was clarified by Bitlifi that Anycoin and Bitlifi are separate entities and KYC is only used by Anycoin. Bitlifi only asks the user of the App for a phone number to be able to use the lightning wallet app.
My apologies to the guys at Anycoin and Bitlifi and thanks for clarifying this information.
Also I almost finished the research of the nodes were the funds rerouted to when sent out off Not sharing this info yet because I want to contact all these nodes before publishing the list.
I suspect one of those nodes is mine. If so, I would be happy to return them to you (unfortunately it is a very very small sum). How can we check?
Brother, what's your node public key? And name?