Toxic rant #6 (I think) But, seriously guys. The government FUD is so dumb. Draw your line in the sand and deal with it. If bitcoin can't exist without geriatrics in DC giving the okay, then bitcoin was doomed to fail to begin with, which is a good thing. I don't want bitcoin to exist if it can be taken down that easily. That doesn't even make sense. What these people fail to realize is that the INCENTIVES make it so that even those who hate bitcoin must eventually get with the program and accept it. These people just don't play through the incentives.
Regardless, the point here is: Don't call your Senator. Don't beg geriatric retards for your freedom. The point is you do what you determine best for you. Me? I believe in living so absolutely free my very existence is an act of rebellion. The founders of the US would vomit in terror if they heard the conversations, I am hearing mainstream bitcoiners have. Like, stop being bitches and maybe we can live free, or at the very least maybe our kids can live free.
Grow a pair. This is bigger than you.
Bitcoin incentivizes its users to defend it. And it's okay. Can we please stop this pacifistic 'lets do nothing and it will be okay' narration? I genuinely believe its harmful.
What happens if some animal attacks bee hive? Bees will fight back. What happens if some animal attacks ant nest? Ant soldiers will fight back.
What happens if some entity attacks bitcoin network? The bitcoin network participants fight back. And it's okay.
We should not assume that all attacks can be repelled passively by bitcoin network. It would be nice for it to be the case, but are you willing to take the bet?
If bitcoin can repel attacks passively it's great. But just in case an active response is required we should not ridicule it. At worst nothing changes. At best you repelled an otherwise successful attack on the network.
I think it's more like politicians and their corporate cronies are the ants and Bitcoin is a boot stepping on the anthill. Of course they will come out to fight it but they will be crushed.
I am not saying do nothing. I am saying tell them to go fuck themselves, or better yet just troll them. They feed on your fear. That is doing something.
I am saying tell them to go fuck themselves, or better yet just troll them.
Those are good options B & C.
But options A "fight back and win over at legal/politics game" is preferable. Options B and C are good fallbacks that are always available.
Well said. I say bring it on. Better to prove bitcoin now than later. Senator Karen isn't as bright as here fans think she is. I mean, she's probably smarter than they are.
Anything worth having you must fight for. I’m all for bitcoiners becoming politicians, lobbying, and convincing boomers this is the way to prosperity.
People can do whatever they wish but you might not care about politics but politics cares about you and asshats like Sen. Warren will win if you don’t fight back. Call donate do whatever you have to do to fight for your freedom and your right to hold and spend Bitcoin how every you wish or if you choose not to.
Cuck mentality.
Have fun having your freedoms stripped away by people who out number you
I agree 100% with the sentiment "If geriatrics in DC can stop bitcoin, then bitcoin was doomed to begin with." Yes the FUD is dumb. I'm not worried about bitcoin in the slightest.
At the same time, I enjoy contributing to open source code and would encourage others to do so as well. I like attending conferences with like minded individuals, in public. I'd like more broad support for these things. Pardon me if I don't roll over while being branded as a money transmitter for writing code. I'd like to promote living in a free and open society and I'd rather not be passive in the face of horribly invasive laws just to prove that my protocol can "take it."
I have nothing to prove here. The work behind bitcoin, LN and nostr stands on its own. If it's all the same, I'd like my society to come along for the ride rather than die a slow, misguided, painful death. Perhaps society chooses the latter anyway, in which case bitcoin will be fine. But in the spirit of open-source collaboration I'm going to point out some terribly flawed reasoning behind a dumb idea when I see it. I do this for the sake of others who may be beholden to its outcome.
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Thats an incredible snippet 🤙
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