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Been car free for a while too. Saved enough money from the insurance alone to be able to buy a car.
Great to get a glimpse into something that transforms your routine. I bet you get out more, just because you have it too.
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Sorry bro, electric unicycles or GTFO. ;)
(I've been similarly amazed at the way it revolutionizes personal transport)
they are the best, I'm driving them now for more than 10 years.
It's an unbelievable sort of adjustment. For part of the year i live in a place where Electric Unicycles (EUC) are quite popular. There are about 50 people here who ride them, and the township is tiny... it's wonderful to be able to zip across town and because it's a fairly low population location, there's not so much car traffic to contend with.
I took an EUC to Brooklyn & really enjoyed the way it opened the city up to me. I managed to get all over the place & across the bridges into manhattan without ever needing the subway, waiting for cab/uber, or running out of battery. In that urban environment, it was always need to see other riders & sometimes mob around town with them.
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long time ago I decided to buy Gotway Mten-3 instead of OneWheel. No regret ;)
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The one wheel feels like surfing and skating on at the same time
What an awesome achievement, although I can use public transportation 99% of time in my city, I also have an e-bike, mountain style that does about 85Km (up to 100Km) with the electric motor helping.
After getting it I used it to do UberEats deliveries to pay it off, it was worth it 100%! I can ride it anywhere, raining or not, it's an amazing alternative to using a car, but, I do have one because I need it.
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Bearish. You already have two legs that’s plenty
I was eyeing the OneWheel for a time but decided it was a higher priority for me to get out of cities.
Can you cover up your clock with a Bitcoin sticker though?
I have been living a pedestrian lifestyle sans auto for 8+ years now. I look back and think about all the stress I've avoided with potential accidents, expensive maintenance, and having to find a buyer for your car when you're done with it. I have selfishly exploited uber/lyft drivers who absorb depreciation, gas, insurance, maintenance volatility for me. The 2014-18 super VC subsidized years were my glory days. Bullish on walking and biking!
love it, i think your line of reasoning is pushing many city dwellers towards various forms of EVs.
I've seen these about. They look cool, if pricey. Never rode one.
I know you said the post isn't about this, but I'm curious as to why you picked a OneWheel over an e-bike. Space?
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Fair enough. I have a Brompton folding bike for that reason. Extremely portable and I take it everywhere! Not electric though.
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Banned on roads too? I know you can't take them on trains, but that's a bit much.
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It's undeniable that you can stack up more when you get rid of your car. But, as you've summed up, some people just need one due to family and other factors.
I actually find the one-wheel quite cool, although I have a tendency to fall off such boards and potentially end up with some bone fractures.
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Yeah, hearing it yourself, haha. So, we're eagerly awaiting further updates from @Onions and his fractures
Take care!
Always wanted to try one of these but pretty sure I don't have the balance for it
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What about electric cars ? To purchase one may be expensive but after that the maintenance cost much less than a petrol car. Now I pay around $250/month (and I live close to the city) on fuel however, if I would have an electric car I would pay maximum $30/month which is a significant change. Obviously it is a new technology and we do not know how long it will last (battery) but this change is something that we might consider. In my case the break even point is 3. year. If I use longer than that the electric car then it was worth to buy it. What is your opinion ?
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My friend never had an issue with his kia niro. Chinese cars are much more affordable and better quality than americans like tesla
This is absolute insanity — I've seen people faceplant on these things — but whatever, I love it anyway. I love the complete dismissal of materialism.
Good for you, @Onions
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Did you also consider electric scooters (like those foot-propelled "child's push" ones)? If so, what made you choose a OneWheel over that? Because I think they're in the same rough price range but with more range, stability and safety.
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Yes this one serious and effective way to save both money and the environment
The humble bicycle is still the best form of transport.
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Hog 4 it, awesome! I run with a backpack or bike for many errands. Just ran to pay my taxes today!
I see that a car is necessary
I don't suppose you've ever heard of the weather?
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I was thinking about OneWheel long time ago, but I finally decided to go for: Gotway Mten-3 (cheaper, faster and fit better into backpack :)
I live out in the country and miss city living mostly because I loved riding my e-bike and my e-longboard. I have a OneWheel now and it's dope but it's not ideal for country life. We'll probably move in the next few years - most likely to a city just so I can ride my electric transportation toys/vehicles. I really do miss riding my e-longboard. Not sure if the OneWheel or a longboard will be my favorite, but I'm excited to eventually find out.
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lol, i actually ride a motorcycle and during rainey and cold days i take ubers...i do want to get truck here soonish
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For me, the top two reasons for using a car are distance and cargo.
I can't work from home. My place of work is a 30 minute drive away. I can't afford to live close to work. Biking is second best to a car, but that would quadruple my commute time. I would rather be homeless than spend spend 8 hours working and 4 hours commuting.
Because of sub-urban sprawl, the only way to buy anything locally is to travel at least 10 minutes by car, which would be over an hour roundtrip on a bike. Unfortunately, being homeless wouldn't fix this issue.
I don't live in Seattle or San Francisco, so biking during the summer would be a nightmare, because there are no showers at work. I'm not going to be sweaty and sticky at work for 8 hours. They don't pay me enough for that. Again, I'd rather be homeless.
Whenever I need to move something that can't fit on a bike (e.g. groceries, mattress, desktop + monitor, etc) a car of some sort is the only option.
A third reason is that I want to move out of the city, and a car of some sort is absolutely necessary for that, because of the distances involved. Even if you lived in a small town, you would still need a car to get to visit friends outside of town.
Cars solve real problems that no other alternative can.

The reason driving sucks in cities is because states plan cities in order to maximise tax revenue. If that means you and I have to suffer the whole time, they will watch with glee, like a Goa'uld.
A city not planned around cars helps hehe. With the bike, there's cargo bikes and I love them.
If you want to understand and be angered how we ended up in ugly shit cities designed around cars, I can recommend the channel Not Just Bikes https://youtube.com/@NotJustBikes?si=cQdwa6AGcEF9quyC and the relevant videos from Climate Town https://youtube.com/@ClimateTown?si=wPePLCRfGGB1PURj
yes, and so much pollution, why can't we go back to riding horse and walk:)!
Don't. Horse shit a lot. Their shit dry up, dustifies and then you'll breath that shit. That's why medieval cities were so infested with random diseases, but not roman era cities.
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omg don't even get me start with the food and clothes, old times was so much better!
we had been lie to HUGE.