My favorite Linux command line to generate password: apg -a 0 -m 30 -n 40 -x 30 -M SNCL
I used it regularly when I create accounts on websites. Then save it to my vaultwarden password manager.
I hope that with 30 random characters long, I'm secure at least for the next 3 years, until quantum processors and IA combined will be able to brute force passwords faster than ever.
I use a similar command, but with the following modifications.
apg -a 0 -m 30 -n 40 -x 30 -M SNCL -s -E O01l
  • -s is added to enforce the strict mode.
  • -E O01l is added to exclude the uppercase 'O', zero '0', the number one '1', and the lowercase 'l' to avoid confusion.
Nice but complex to remember.
I like the simplicity of uuidgen For extra security, I also register accounts with a username/email that has +${uuidgen} so the login name is also universally unique and can’t be guessed by an attacker trying to brute force access (very handy for financial accounts online when your public email addresses are known).
And if you want to go crazy, you can just chain uuidgen outputs for longer passwords.
pwgen -y 30 1
"Until quantum processors and IA combined will be able to brute force passwords faster than ever"
This is why we need either more methods of authentication including the ones we already use, or much better encryption, but we can only prove that after that kind of tech is available publicly, let's see what the future holds for us.