Thanks for the update!
Also, it is important to know if you register a "business" with the government (501(c)(3), Sole proprietorship, LLC, S-Corp, etc.) you will get RUGGED!!
You are signing your resources over to them and they now OWN YOU and they can do whatever they want to you as you are in their jurisdiction. You LOSE your rights.
Then when you use a lawyer, you are furthering your ownership by the government as lawyers always work for the state and the BAR. They do NOT work for you or do they care if you win or lose.
Please, we have to learn this lesson and STOP participating with governments.
Form your own private memberships, which keep you out of their jurisdictions and STARVE those FUCKERS out of existence.
Governments and their henchmen and women (Lawyers, judges, etc) are a cancer to humanity and if we don't learn our lesson, it will harm us tremendously.
You can call me dramatic , buy may I point you to history. History is a very good teacher.