I am the advisor of my high school's chess club, and we invited the middle school players to our most recent meeting. There are only 5 members of the high school club, as most others interested in chess play other sports that meet at the same time. However, 15 middle school students came up to join us on this day! It was so much fun! The best part was meeting this one 8th grade home-schooled student. I could tell from watching his first game that he was a savant and has been studying the game extensively. He has already started playing tournaments and claims to have almost beaten a 1700. I really want to get him up to the high school chess club more often so I can continue to challenge him (he's MUCH better than me though, fyi). Does anyone have any advice for him that I could pass along?
Edit: I should also mention that many of the other middle school players are quite good as well. I almost lost to a 6th grader hehe
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There is no shame in losing to children. I accepted this after my son (13 now) beat me for the first time when he was 12. He got some coaching from his uncle and then took me down in a tightly contested match. It was a proud and sad moment for me.
Still undefeated against the 5 year old though. Well, when I don't let her win.
I don't know if this is appropriate for a teacher to introduce, but bitcoin chess (they play each other for money) is available thru Zebedee on both iphone and android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.viker.chess
You can get those kids sharking the chess community in no time. ;)
cool, I didn't know this game existed. Thanks for sharing!