What's something you learned recently? How did you learn it and how long did it take you? What obstacles did you face? What would you do differently if you had to restart and learn it again?
For me, it'd be running a Bitcoin node. I'm still learning, obviously. It's been about a year and a half since I started. If I had to do it again, honestly I wouldn't change much. I keep detailed notes on everything I learn. I ask lots of questions. I don't risk too much in case of error. I might want to have done more research on the construction of the node, however, seeing that raspis are apparently not going to hold up very long. But this was a problem no one really saw coming, as EVERYONE was recommending the raspi setup about 1.5 years ago.
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I made a throwaway project to try a technique called "Sprite stacking" it allows you to create a pseudo 3D effect with just 2D "slices" of an object by showing them sightly shifted upward from each other.
I researched on how other did it and jumped straight on making it myself.
I didn't have much issues as I made it specifically to be a one-shot toy project, but now, I have the knowledge on how to do it and can freely decide if it's needed for any future project i'll be working on.
A GIF of the project, I also flatten the slices while moving to show the difference.
So cool!! Thanks for sharing
I've been learning to exercise at gym for past year and I still feel like there is so much to learn. My goal is to be able to do muscle up one day, and progress so far has been my max pullups have gone to one to 10. Of course form has gotten better etc. but I still want to build more explosive strength and overall I don't feel as powerful as I would like to in terms of those pullups.
Overall my athleticism has got a lot better, I've been able to gain some strength and muscle, and most importantly I feel in more control over my body which is amazing.
On intellectual fronts I've been rather lazy past year and half, but that has already changed past month as I've decided to quit my fiat job and start working on my own business or then find at least fiat job that has better compensation and freedom.