Let imagine a future world in which there are a few "gold chip" fedimints that are widely trusted. What features would those fedimints probably have?
  • public known actors
  • known history and reputation
  • some sort of legal repercussion possible for bad acts
Its hard to imagine how - in practice - those "gold chip" fedimints are going to be materially different than current Liquid federation setup.
To be clear: I'm not against fedimints, far from it...I welcome the development.
Lastly, I think the "magic" of Liquid is the blinded / confidential transactions. I think this renders 99% of potential "censorship" ability of the federation moot.
Confidential transactions are cool but I'm not sure if there's the risk/incentive of amount-based transaction censorship with regards to each federation (Liquid or a gold chip Fedimint). Blinded amounts mainly seem to help with maintaining privacy among peers while still having an auditable circulating amount.