I haven't bought gold or silver coins since before they hit their ATH about ten years ago. I actually very nearly timed the top exactly, but something came up and I didn't manage to get to the coin store to sell my silver. When the price started dropping I decided to just hold on to it.
All I do now is check the change I get and coins I find to see if any are worth more than face value. Those go straight into the piggy bank.
I almost sold my gold and silver when I moved out of the city. I called the dealer that I knew and trusted and set up an appointment and then cancelled last minute and decided to take it with me. I didn't really want to sell but my concern was if I ever did want to liquidate it I didn't know if I would find a dealer I could trust in a town vs the city, where I already had one (took years to find one, tried 3 others first) and I didn't want to drive two hours back to city if I felt the need to sell a couple coins.
Anyways, I thought I should hang on to it. Probably a bad idea. Should have sold and bought another half a bitcoin or whatever I would have gotten at the time.