Get hands-on experience learning to build web applications that integrate Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.
We will dedicate day 1 to providing you with some awesome lightning workshops, talks, discussions, and more from some of the industry’s leading experts! We’ve got confirmed speakers from Breez, Synonym, Bitcoin Design, Amboss, Alby, Lightning Escrow, and Lightning Labs!
Days 2,3, and 4 will be fully dedicated to hacking. You’ll be able to connect with other makers and mentors (or just do your own thing) whilst you work away on your lightning web apps! On Sunday evening (17:00 - 19:00, UTC), makers will present their projects to the community & submit them to our judges’ panel for review for a chance to win some amazing bitcoin prizes!
All communications, team building, news, updates, schedules, and more will take place within BOLT🔩FUN’s Discord.
There is another post, here on SN, where the link to the main website was shared:
Shock the web Hackathon 2 - June 16-19 #30252