status: 410, // return a 410 status so the client knows the session no longer exists
TIL, I don't think I've ever seen HTTP 410 used anywhere. Source
const lnurlEncode = // @ts-ignore (await import("lnurl/lib/encode.js")).default; const encoded = lnurlEncode(callbackUrl.toString()).toUpperCase();
This is an interesting approach to importing. Is it just for smaller bundles? Isn't this code executed server-side? Source
copy.innerHTML = session.lnurl;
This seems unnecessarily risky. Any reason not to use textContent? Source
  1. Just a general comment - for being a TS project, I see a lot of typeof checks, any, type-casting, etc. I know you said no nit-picking, but I guess I can't help myself.
thanks again for your review, I'll be implementing some changes based off of your feedback over the holidays, and I've just boosted you 60k sats on this comment. many thanks and Happy Christmas!
Thank you for the sats, and you’re welcome for the review! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
deleted by author
great thanks for your feedback. I'll take a deeper look into the points you've made in the next few days and get back to you!
You've made a bunch of good point and I'll be making some amendments to the code based off the back of your feedback.
I'll post back here once I've done so and give a little more context on the changes and on your questions/points :)