Today I created a chatgpt. You can create these tools now with openai.
So I wanted to experiment and I wanted to realize an idea I had. In just 2 hours.
Here is the simple idea I had.
I buy fruit and vegetables. And we often throw a lot away. Because we do not know what is in our refrigirator. And after 3 days we throw that away.
So I thought, what about a refrigirator inventory system? The fridge inventory.
What if I had an AI agent that helped me with my management of my fruits and vegetables? And also help me think about breakfast and lunch and dinner suggestions?
It should be simple.
It should be able to read a pdf invoice of the groceries and understand what food and vegetables I bought.
I should be able to give it a photo of my fridge and it should recognize the fresh food.
And I should be able to ask it to give me breakfast and lunch suggestions and it should give me these. Based on what I have in the fridge.
How I did it?
I started brainstorming with Chatgpt. I uploaded an invoice. And it was able to just tell me what I bought.
Then I said give me some breakfast and lunch suggestions and it did.
Then I took a photo of my fridge. And uploaded it. And it was able to tell me what fruits and vegetables I have in my fridge. I was astonished.
Then I finally said, I want to create a ChatGPT with these capabilities and give me some instructions I should give to chatgpt. And it gave me exactly what I needed.
After testing this ChatGPT I asked it to create python code for me to store this fridge inventory in a sql database in a jupyter notebook. And it gave me the code.
I tested this code in a jupyter notebook and it worked.
Conclusion I believe that chatgpt is the future. It will help people who already can program python become much more productive.
Next what it will do is that these people with have higher incomes. Because they are more productive than others without the skills to prompt chatgpt.
We have the production factors land, capital, labour, entrepreneurship. Labor, especially low skilled labour, will find it more difficult to bargain. I believe work will flow to higher skilled labour. Especially programmers. Not lawyers, accountants etc. But especially people who are close to chatgpt.
This means that the income equality will be lower, the income distribution will be more skewed. People will lose jobs. As these jobs get automated. If you have a routine job, that can be automated it will be automated.
What I learned from this experiment with chatgpt is that it is easier and faster to go from idea to a product. I could now offer this service to other people in the world. That would be the next step.
Asking chatgpt how I could monetize this service - the refrigirator inventory - and how I could promote it as a service. Maybe pay with bitcoin and lighting.
But that is another story. I will think about that story and write it down here.
Let me know what your experience is with AI and chatgpt. Keep me updated.
Do you want to help others make use of this tool?
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