I'm in a bit of a dilemma here, namely; live life or live healthy?
One could argue that this isn't a matter of black or white, but something one should seek to balance, a bit healthy, a bit unhealthy.
The problem is; I'm either black, or white.
See, just as with diversification, you buy the winners, but also the losers. In other words; you negate the positives of a healthy lifestyle everytime you make unhealthy decisions.
So far, I'm happy to live a healthy lifestyle, then again; we all are already living unhealthy anyways; toxins in the environment, bad air quality and not always quality-food (think of GMO's and pesticides), so why bother?
In my opinion all we can do is limit the negatives of the above, so why not live life without the hassle of healthy decisions?
Then again my conscience tells me to live healthy, for why damage your body further?
It's a difficult decision that I'm trying to make for a few years now... What are your guys thoughts? What decision have you made?
this territory is moderated
you can actually train yourself to crave the healthy food. (This training mainly involves getting rid entirely of the industrial crap and let your body readjust itself)
However, speaking from experience, as soon as you go back and eat some of the processed stuff, it's easy to fall in the same trap again. Then you need another round of (not so easy) "withdrawal" for a while
I know, and I've done so but the question remains; is it worth it?
let me turn the question around - with what choice do you personally feel better?
Living healthy, I'll go the healthy-route... I'll sleep better at night.
this is your answer then
Too much focus on health is stress. Stress kills. 🤷‍♂️
I think it's well worth the effort to focus on healthy lifestyle. The only problem is when things are taken to the extreme, then it can become very unhealthy and have the opposite effect. Or course, everyone's idea of what is extreme is different. Someone who has a very unhealthy lifestyle can view what I think are very basic health habits as extreme. What I view as extreme is ultra paranoid people who take a dietary fad to a level of exclusion that is harming them. All things in moderation! I would agree that we're living in a toxic soup and any things you can do to help negate that is good.
"you negate the positives of a health lifestyle every time you make unhealthy decisions" is fundamentally incorrect.
I used to be a smoker. Each year I smoke one cigarette at an annual christmas party. One cigarette a year does not negate not smoking for the rest of the year. Likewise for food.
The main decision I have made is to be active. This is the best thing one can do for their health. I eat up to 100 grams of sugar per hour during intense bike races. I did a 160 mile race last year that took around 10 hours. Over the course of the race, I had around 800g of sugar (I burned around 7000 calories during the race as well) Despite doing this fairly regularly, I have excellent insulin sensitivity.
For me its helped to find a balanced ratio of healthy : unhealthy. For me i enjoy how i feel performance wise both athletically and day to day making healthy choices so my ratio tends to be 90,95% healthy to 5, 10% unhealthy. This way even on my unhealthy days whether it be a cheat meal or a sugary snack, my body is able to handle it and bounce back quicker from those unhealthy choices bc the majority of the time im making healthy choices that my body and mind appreciate, but i also can indulge in that yummy cookie once in a while without feeling guilty or regretful. For others the ratio may be different 80:20 , 60:40 , maybe its 40:60, but i think its worth playing around with that ratio to find what works for you!
Beyond all else is belief, I believe Nothing can kill us Other than the belief that it will Animals fear not of viruses Nor do they count calories So they do not exist Science is a fun art But it is illusion as well Life is to be lived The lighter our projection The fuether we resonate It's all just energy Light like a rainbow can look a lot of ways So wake up, smile, enjoy your day
Most unhealthy decisions are what make life worth living and less boring so how can we overcome such life's pleasures
By pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps! Or at least that's what they tend to say... I think?
Anyways, it's a dilemma that will stay with you, me and many more for a long time.
Then again my conscience tells me to live healthy, for why damage your body further?
I need this kind of conscience
I can sell you some of mine - instant delivery right to your frontal cortex!!
Yeah, it's one of the great gifts of nature...
Wouldn't mind some, will pay in sats :)
No need 'ol fellow Stacker of mine, your cowboy-hat tells me everything I need to know.
Here, I've cut off an extra large chunk of the good stuff for ya, harness the powahh!
Health is wealth so keep your body always fit by eating right and exercise well. Stay away from alcohol and drugs
I live like like a dimmer switch. You can go from 0-100%
It sounds like you live life like a light switch. Either on or off.
I live life without worry and live a healthy lifestyle. I just keep adding a few points to the dimmer switch. I always get the big things right. Workout 3-4 days a week, walk alot, eat meat, veggies and fruits.
Lately when something comes up about health we listen and see if its something we can adjust into our lives. Examples: 2022 we wanted to focus on water supply so we bought a very expensive water filter, top of the line. 2023 was all about elimination of plastics in our kitchen. 2024 seems to be looking like switching to all local and seasonal fruits and veggies. Luckily, we just found a little market that does exactly that.
Our time horizon for health is low. We make one time big decisions that will have impact over the next 50 years. Do we eat Panda Express once a week, damn right. But it doesn't eliminate all other decisions.