Black hole is still a good analogy, slowly sucking in capital from everything around it and compressing it into a single dense asset. Also we don't know the mechanics of what happens inside a black hole as the physics we know break down. This is similar to the unknown other side of hyperbitcoinization.
Maybe it is simply a matter of phases. Currently we are in the black hole phase but as we reach the singularity (hyperbitcoinization) a white hole forms on the other side and energy is distributed to a new system.
I am very open to this theory also. This is the kind of conversation I was keen on having. It might not be that a black hole is the wrong categorisation, it might just be incomplete.
Agree. Keeping in the astrophysics theme, you could probably make a pretty sweet analogy of bitcoin as a protostar within a stellar nebula.
Not sure how I missed this comment, but someone on SN definitely needs to educate me more on space phenomena! So much we could all learn, particularly if using pleb terminology.
That would be very cool. Maybe we can get someone to do a weekly post and an AMA.