With the soon-to-be-released names on Epstein's client list early next year, do you think the people NOT on his client list, but that were on his flight logs, were participating in the evil?
On the logs, there are notable names like:
  • The Obamas
  • The Clintons
  • Oprah
  • Tom Hanks
  • Jim Carrey
  • Drew Barrymore
and many, many others.
What is your opinion?
I mean, it's easy for Epstein to invite influencial people to his island and make them guilty by association. That in itself is power. And I do not doubt that he would make use of such a power, he most certainly was aware of.
It also creates some form of plausible deniablity if he mixes people that are there simply to network/talk/ have a holiday with people that he invites on seperate occasions for c**** s**.
Not everyone, of course. Wondering why there is no naming of conservatives or Trump folks on this list? Wasn't he and Donald good buddies back in the day?
I have no doubt that there were people who associated with Epstein solely for social or financial access who had no interest in doing anything inappropriate with kids (or anyone else for that matter).
It seems logical that part of running an enormous blackmail ring is testing the waters with important people and trying to figure out what you can get them to do. For some, that might just be luring them into an extramarital affair, or maybe a homosexual relationship back when people cared about that, or even just make them complicit in some kind of financial crime.
The reason I'm so in favor of presuming guilt by association in this case, when I would generally oppose it, is because of the crimes he was already known to have committed when these people chose to associate with him and because of how blatant the cover up is. Until this whole thing is resolved, there needs to be serious social stigma for being on those lists.