Great work fountain team! (all four of you!!)
Are you looking to implement music streaming on your platform in the future? I'd love to be able to listen to not just podcasts but music and audio books on fountain.
Side note, consistency of earnings needs to be addressed, I understand that being randomly assigned 0 sats/min is a possibility... But consecutive days? I'd be lucky if I earnt anything 1-2 days in a month long span. I believe this is due to "IP Hopping" as I'll be using fountain at home, then on the go, then at work and the app seems to get upset with me when I'm using multiple networks. Let alone VPNs which I'll hop routinely aswell. Perhaps there's a different way of identifying the "only one device per account" policy as I think it's pretty common for people to be masking their online presence with VPNs or Network Hopping. It is one device, just multiple networks.
Thanks for all you do, I look forward to seeing fountain grow!
Edit I've just seen that music has been added, I hadn't updated (it should have been on auto update but it wasn't my mistake). Is it planned to have it synced via Spotify similar to how the podcast library was set up? As I can't seem to find certain things in Music currently.
Thank you! 🙏

Are you looking to implement music streaming on your platform in the future? I'd love to be able to listen to not just podcasts but music and audio books on fountain.
  • we actually do already support music on Fountain - we have a small catalogue of tracks which you can search for by selecting the music filter in search
  • on audiobooks - definitely would love to add these soon

on the earnings - we've changed the rewards system now so you have a higher chance of earning each day but might earn less.

Thanks again and please let me know if you have any other ideas / feedback!
I guess I'll need to wait for the music library to be fleshed out a little more. I was unable to get results for things like "Metallica" or "iron maiden" but I understand this is a new feature and it'll take time to pack out the library.