I really think this is the ticket for me. I don't want to admit it but I think in my case, this thing used to serve me and now I am just having a hard time letting go. I say it helps me with........ But I don't know.
this thing used to serve me and now I am just having a hard time letting go.
A quote that I first heard in the context of ~psychedelics but nonetheless can still be applied to other areas of life:
"If you got the message, hang up the phone."
I say it helps me with........ But I don't know.
It helps you with not taking full responsibility for your life, I would say. You seem to want to move on but you can only move on if you really want to. It takes courage to look forward and leave your past behind. Fear (of the unknown) is the weakness in all of us.
This guide was really helpful for me, I would highly recommend it: https://www.uvm.edu/health/t-break-take-cannabis-tolerance-break