This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Is there a way to search for nyms? I wanted to post something from Bitcoin Audible but I have no idea whether Guy has a nym here or not. I want to forward any sats on the post to him.
Not currently. Guy is @theguyswann
Feature idea:
This probably isn't the first time this has been requested, I don't know. But something I'l find useful.
For a post, show sats earned in all comments.
This might help those who are looking to earn from sharing their knowledge more easily find which posts are worth visiting, and possibly contributing to.
This might be presented as:
1234 sats \ 12 comments (234 sats) \ @nym 56m
You might've suggested it.
@kr just showed me a mock up his vision for this exact thing and I think it's a great idea.
After what has happened over the last month or so nothing rings more true in the bitcoin space like the words not your keys not your bitcoin and do your own research... Be safe out there gents 🙏🏾...
Power of Bitcoin:
My friend in the Philippines showed me her 17 year old son’s report card. He did really well so I wanted to send him a gift for his accomplishments.
Using his android phone he downloaded blue wallet and created an on-chain wallet and a lightning wallet.
I sent him a gift of 30,000 sats via lightning and 70,000 on chain.
Did all of this with no banks no IDs no exclusions nothing just him and I sending value over the internet
That's awesome! I hope he has the local infrastructure to spend it or earn more of it!
Philippines are an insanely international country, I have high hopes for adoption there.
I have a similar story where i wanted to give some sats to someone who i had sort of become friends with. Within 15 minutes of me asking this person had figured out how to receive sats and gotten my tip. I think many people take for granted what Bitcoin has enabled.
Did he write the seedphrase down?
Yes he did!
There seems to be alot of concern that the Federal Reserve hold alot of power over the BItcoin exchange rate. But if BTC is decentralized, its possible that Fed raising rates would impact it less than the market thinks. For example The EU/US has put sanctions on Russia but they seem to not be working. So why do we assume they hold much power over Bitcoin? Is it because it is primarily EU/US hodlers?
If anything, it's the opposite.
No one holds supreme power over Bitcoin. Can whales effect price, sure. But that comes with the game. Don’t hate the player.