Anyone else out there wrapping services for StartOS? Would love to chat and collaborate. Especially if you've sorted out the configuration setup and whatnot.
I just managed to package up fedimintd but it's very barebones. Looking forward to packaging up the other three core Fedimint services. :)
awesome work!!! How close is fedimint to a production release? I am super excited!
Hey! You did a module iirc!!!
Yes that's right :) The way modules work in fedimint is awesome! I can't wait to see all the interesting ideas that people come up with!
Some possible modules that I am excited for are:
  • Federated mining pools
  • Ark module for making long term self custody much cheaper with UTXO aggregation (needs layer 1 soft fork)
fedipool is what drew me to fedimint in the first place. Don't understand Ark in the slightest so no opinion there but needing a soft fork makes me hesitant that we'll see anything come of it soon.
Do you have mining experience? I only just starting digging into mining and learning a bit on Stratum v2, but my focus has been primarily fedimint stuffs.
I think Ark is still a long ways away also but it seems like it could be a possible avenue to scale self-custody if the bitcoin community were to come to consensus to soft fork in what it needs.
I don't have any experience with mining, though I would like to learn more about it. I just read through the fedipool discussion and it seems like there are quite a few considerations in making the module.
v0.2.0 is here now. That is what prompted me to package this for StartOS. I would still proceed with caution but I'm hoping to run a fedimint in production in the near future. specifically using StartOS.
I believe Fedimint has so much potential to improve the UX of bitcoin.
Imagine a family trust where you create a hierarchy of trust.
Head of the family need to authorise payments over x. x family members have to authorise payments above $x. Children get seperate smaller wallets and time locks etc etc. the potentially is limitless and will make inheritance and wrench attacks a thing the past.
This and other key management solutions like FROST and MuSig have me extremely bullish for bitcoin tech. I do think family fedimints make great sense! Any community based with compute and bitcoin needs fits with Fedimint well. Fedimint is very modular so will enable a lot of fun way to interact with bitcoin at multiple layers.
Love this! Try @dread
Yes i have done this.
Wrap it in a repo, docker to pull fedimint image, edit metadata file, make s9pk...
They are going to make changes to the process, right now i kind of hate it. Poorly documented and im a pleb... waiting until version 4 to give it another shot.
Getting on start9 is a must. Fully support u
🫡 Yea, there has been some pain, but I want to get something into the plebs hands on StartOS. Will be happy to pivot to v0.4 StartOS but with no ETA, I did not want to wait.