This post was titled poorly, but I did in fact mean uninspiring. Not to say there weren't pieces of good advice in here (I love YC/the YC ethos), but found myself feeling pretty disappointed with this one. I wonder what PG's list would look like or yours @k00b !
I don't know enough things yet.
One reason you might be disappointed with Altman's list is that it doesn't seem earnest. I think it's a great list of things to know, but I'm not sure it's the list he'd hand to a younger self and expect it to land. Many of them are cliches and probably had been told to him. They just require more experience to appreciate.
Great advice is generic and borderline axiomatic. These are all rather specific and easy to dismiss as being non-applicable.
@k00b you articulated all the strangeness I felt upon reading his post and put it into perfect clarity for me -- you even articulated things I didn't know I felt -- but upon reading your thoughts -- realize I do feel. Thank you.