Twice... One was sold as a trading course aimed at teaching you trading. Became real pushy after you make a little profit (about 50 or so) to have you deposit larger sums, it became less about teaching you chart patterns and more about, "hey when are you going to deposit more and start making real money". I chose to walk away from that one with only my initial deposit locked into them. But I need to learn to stop trying to beat them and just not engage at all.
The other was just getting greedy. There was an EOS scam (still is) floating around on MEXC... Where you send a sum of EOS to an address and it returns 0.5% per transaction. It's sold as an arbitrage loop hole. I sent such small amounts but obviously it worked, I worked my way up to about £100 (from maybe £5 worth) and then once I sent that £100 worth over to that address, unsurprisingly enough it didn't come back. I got too complacent. Shoulda spotted it as a scam miles away but some part of me felt I could pull out with profit before they did and that I could beat them... I didn't.
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