I apreciate your post but one thing I might disagree with is people not spending their Bitcoin. If you are a free market capitalist you must respect the maket decisions even if they don't suite your whishes. People saving their Bitcoin money today is delaying gratification and I sure you're doing the same thing in some way, since Bitcoin is becoming of a store of value to people it doesn't shock me at all and I think they use it for it is and protect their family wealth. Spending your bitcoins to accelerate mass adoption is flawed in many ways. First of all not too many people understand nor deserve bitcoin yet, second Bitcoin is infinitly divisible if nobody spend nor sell their bitcoin people will transact in sats and sats value will go much higer but nobody save their bitcoin the opposit will happen. Spend your bitcoin for the sake of adoption is same as the Keynesian mindset of spending your bitcoin for the sake of a growing economy.