"Show me the incentives and I'll show you the outcome"
Such a good quote and also applicable here.
Humanity found out that smoking is real unhealthy and created incentives to find and stop unhealthy habits. The incentives were created. And "sitting is the new smoking" did fit in this incentive. This is partly market-input but also a cultural non-market phenomenon. We culturally praised people for stopping unhealthy habits which is an incentive all in itself.
SN creates these cultural incentives as well. E.g. humanity created the concept of to "ratio" somebody, SN enables tipping of only a few thousand sats (which is nothing in terms real world living costs and salaries). So therefore this incentivizes
A positive example: the SN web of trust incentivizes being nice to people. Or at least don't being mean out of boredom like many trolls are on other websites.
💯 Which is why culture always beats strategy every time.
We culturally praised people for stopping unhealthy habits
The Fat Acceptance Movement came to mind there. I know there are plenty of others, but we have to make sure it stays acceptable to congratulate people for making healthy choices.