The views of life by modern men and women has changed considerably, first they want a career, life experiences and freedom from the expectations of society, only problem is they wake up at 43 with no kids and desperately sign up to a dating site hoping to find what society expected from them 20 years ago,
School life is changing with massive numbers of teachers leaving the profession, current classroom parrot fashion repetitive education had it's place when the authoritive figure stood at the front of the room with a large clock displaying the time,
Religion, nope not going there,
Media, ah! That's our bag, decentralisation of one of the biggest industries we know, the speed at which devs are deving, the information age is travelling, the tokenisation of real world assets,
Do our youngsters or will our youngsters really listen to our current governance, leadership hierarchies,
And on a similar note, do they view the law and the centralised authorities the same way their parents or grandparents did or do.
Ultimately it's evolution not revolution