Well this gets interesting!
I got paid -- "MTGOX再生管財人弁護士小林信明 has sent you ¥x JPY" via PayPal.
The irony is not lost on me. 9 Years of waiting, and Gox comes good. My settlement was just fiat that was left over from sales. I knew from Day 0, NYKNYC. The fiat was trapped when they lost banking access. I do however regret selling that 1 BTC @ $500USD, and having to wait 9 years for payment. I really have no idea where this fiat should go -- probably to the bank to pay my fiat Visa card bills, coffee, food, alcohol, etc. :-(
My Gox story generally has a happy ending, and this journey has been life changing. Despite this, I have not changed my life, work hard at my day job, build things, and struggle like everyone else.
For now: there is work to be done, skills to be enhanced and a world to change.
For those who had a balance in Btc do you know if they also received their balance via PayPal as btc or was it converted to fiat? Also really surprised that they paid out 100% value!
Wow thanks for sharing!
Glad to see this story being put to bed, I guess its better than nothing, and hopefully the other bankruptcies we saw in the last cycle (FTX, BlockFI Celsius) are wrapped up a lot faster than a damn decade, has Quadriga already been sorted?
So we can get this fud put behind us and move on to a new fud lol
If you weren't completely put off Bitcoin after mt gox im sure 10 years of stacking should have got you back to black, so this would be a nice bonus, but if you didn't oef, this is just rubbing it in your face
TIL that Mt. Gox started paying people before FTX did.
One less FUD going into the bull.
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