As this is a very broad and long topic i think it would be beneficial to classify things into different categories or give them additional parameters according to practicality, purpose, feasibility.
Some are things that you should be doing anyway and are more about daily habits, for example:
  • using privacy tools
  • having backups (and a tested way to recover data not just bitcoin)
  • planning for financial independence besides ngu
  • having some supplies at home
  • self custody
Some things depend heavily on your lifestyle/situation:
  • mining is pretty prohibitive in high energy price jurisdictions, its also a decent upfront chunk for a lot of people
  • if you travel/move a lot then a lot of things like energy independence, mining, food supply, community, transportation options doesn't really make sense
  • even self custody becomes cumbersome to some extent
  • using social media fro business purposes, staying in touch with family etc
Some are very costly/complicated:
  • having a bug out place, second citizenship, places to live in multiple countries
  • doing proper 5 flags setup
  • its very impractical to impossible to securely store fuel in small apartment or apartment buildings
While someone like myself who puts a highest value on freedom and has the technical background can tackle most of them (given some constraints) for majority of people a long list like this is just overwhelming, specially since i'm guessing most people (even on here) fail at a large percentage of them. Things need to be broken down realistically and have much more practical approach to them. Majority of world population doesn't have the knowhow or resources to do most of these things.
There are lots of nuances in many of these things and approaches that are better tailored to different profiles of people. I don't expect anyone to build a redundant 100tb storage across multiple locations to backup everything needed to restart a civilization or having buried faraday cages with survival equipment, but educating people that its good to keep supplies at home (well covid did that), setting up backups etc.
A lot of this is also targeted specifically to SHTF when you are at home/in your town. But a lot of people travel a lot, the likely hood of something happening while you're away is not 0. Your bug out bag at home doesn't help shit if you are stuck in a foreign country where you don't know anyone and can't speak a word of a local language. Majority of prepper mentality is focused on preparing for X while the more practical approach that would likely be more effective is to focus on just improving your overall situation. Having a fortified bunker in the woods doesn't help much if your health is so poor that you can't even get to it. Being expert marksman but not knowing how to turn on the stove is also not gonna bring you far (unless you plan to shot people while they are preparing their dinner every night). For example I never drive around my car with less than half a tank of gas so whatever happens i can always drive couple 100kms without needing to stop for gas. Its a trivial behavior adjustment but can mean a lot, and its much more practical than having jerrycans of gasoline on my balcony.
That being said - as mentioned in the other comment I want to build a knowledge repository and actually make it simple and usable for people to replicate it entirely or just parts of it and would be happy to collaborate on this with fellow stackers