Any readers have a good guess at what the Aliens are selling?
I’m thinking lava lamps with real lava, kinetic sculptures that don’t stop, and fountain pens that work without gravity.
I'm guessing you're keeping it light and trying not to speculate on the later products that will undoubtedly appear later - given the nature of the footnotes.
I've been surprised by many of the footnotes. Though I'd like to see how the conquistador's were really seen without their own assumptions.
I know there are a few communities who chose to isolate themselves soon after the invasion, and interestingly have remained so.
I've previously been in touch via email with a rare 'western' intermediary of the community, a documentary filmmaker, and been captivated by how unique and enlightening the interactions with the community have been. It's very different from the usual, patronizing viewpoint - in fact, in the second documentary the cameras were handed over to the community for them to convey their own viewpoint.
This is quite a feat, and took considerable effort on the communities' side when you consider they've physically isolated themselves since the 15th century.
I've been meaning to write about this for some time.
Hopefully I'm able to do it justice in a post in the next few days.