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We all gotta live somewhere, right? Renting isn't ideal for everyone, some prefer to be renters to the bank for the long term and I get it, I was sold on property for many years and wasted so much time looking for opportunities, saving up cash and luckily I discovered Bitcoin and didn't blow my wad on some shithole fixer-upper just to "get my foot on the property ladder"
Property is such a massive opportunity cost though yet people don't realise it, I speak to my friends and family and they are all still of the frame of mind that they own it, that it always goes up and its the best investment you can make, and most of them if not all are pretty shit at math, so trying to show them the calcs is even a waste of time
I don't own property, I am reluctant to do so in my country, I wouldn't want to tie myself to the direction its going and people who are immoveable, tied to places by the property are easily influenced, easily taxed, and easily made to tow the line
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I was so shocked when a friend repeated the old "housing always goes up" line. This was someone who lived through the Great Recession.
I share your view that real estate is not a great investment (although it has accidentally worked out well for my family so far). We think about it in the same rental terms that you used: How do we get the best living situation for our family within our monthly budget?