I don't think I'd (personally) feel good not paying for a book that I get value out of. If a person spent a lot of time to put together a good story or some cool info I'd want them to be paid for their time - just like I'd want to be paid if I did the work.
That being said, I sometimes worry about my Amazon books in that I don't really "own" them. My guess is that Amazon could yank them from me if they ever wanted. If I ever went offline long term, would the books still work or do I have to check-in with Amazon? Does anyone know? Perhaps Amazon gives me the epub file and it's mine to keep without DRM? I'll have to look into that.
If I don't have a DRM-free epub file from Amazon, I could see the value of getting them using your instructions above AFTER I've already bought the book. I'm not trying to be self-righteous here, I'm just saying my own thoughts about my own actions.
Why don’t you try it and find out. Yar.
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