Love this.
My homelab is an old intel $150 Mac mini off eBay.
Run proxmox, spin up vms to your hearts content. Tinker and build, yall. Tinker and build.
Learned a bunch!
Why proxmox over VirtualBox?
Proxmox is the OS to the machine. I log in thru a web portal and can manage and spin up new VMs in seconds. I don’t run VMs on my laptop anymore. Better to remote into them and have them always on running my apps
Type-1 Hypervisor: Proxmox is a type-1 hypervisor, which runs directly on the hardware, offering better performance and efficiency compared to VirtualBox, a type-2 hypervisor that runs on top of an existing operating system.
Cluster and Scalability: Proxmox supports clustering, allowing you to manage multiple servers as a single entity. This is ideal for expanding your homelab setup.
Built-in Features: Proxmox comes with features like live migration, backups, and high availability, which are not natively available in VirtualBox.
Web-based Management Interface: It offers a comprehensive web-based interface for managing VMs and containers, making it easier to manage your homelab remotely.
Container Support: Proxmox natively supports LXC containers, which are more resource-efficient than full VMs.