Works for now... the problem is in a year the accounts will all be older and most of these LLMs will be more prolific in coming up with new content ideas and just as real sounding as most of us.
Things are gonna get weird everywhere online.
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No. I think at some point we won't care so much anymore to distinguish between humans and bots since the distinction will either a) be clear or b) we will just assume that everyone is a bot. Meeting a human will be the exception.
I think the main problem with bots currenrly is that they don't tell you they are bots. That's deception and as humans, we're entitled to feel deceived which is a negative emotion.
But I believe in the future, bots will learn (or the humans behind these bots) that it's okay to be a bot. Just provide value as best as you can. And bots might be better at providing values than humans in some ways. Bots never sleep.
Like @hn and @unpaywall, I would say.
Since I'm the author behind these two bots on SN, I might be biased. But I think especially @hn shows that bots can provide value. Just don't deceive people.
Good points. Sats are the way to do things here, just gotta figure out the best ways.
I didn't even know "downzapping" was a thing. Huh.
It is. You spend some sats to downzap. I've done it a few times, but I think it only counts if several people do it. To avoid personal vendettas.
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