For the Guardian (read similar to NYT when it comes to Bitcoin) this is positively glowing coverage 😂
Text on the Bitcoin part -
“Investors in the world’s biggest cryptocurrency know a thing or two about changing fortunes. Last year’s high-profile bitcoin scandals, including the bankruptcy and felony charges brought against major crypto exchange FTX, saw the currency lose more than 60% of its value. Meanwhile, the slow implosion of NFTs only made onlookers even more wary of blockchain technology. By the end of the year, the mild interest that many conventional investors had shown across bitcoin’s lifespan appeared to have finally calcified into a healthy scepticism.
But if 2022 will be remembered as the year bitcoin lost its gloss, 2023 stands a chance of going down as the year it proved its resilience. The price of the cryptocurrency has more than doubled in the last 12 months, hitting a 20-month high in December. And that’s despite ongoing troubles: FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty of defrauding the platform’s customers in November, while crypto exchange Binance was fined $4.3bn after it pleaded guilty to money laundering. Advocates are framing the crackdown as a watershed for the industry, hoping it marks the departure of its more unscrupulous actors.
Elsewhere, bitcoin looks positioned to eke more credibility from financial markets. Investment companies such as BlackRock have filed to launch spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds – investment vehicles that hold bitcoins directly. It’s thought it will offer a regulated way of investing in the currency, and spare investors the fiddly business of managing the digital wallets and keys. Plenty still scoff at bitcoin’s future, but it’s presently enjoying quite the turnaround.“