Doing something new has been the easiest route to non-correlated inputs for me.
Once I took a car repair course from a local adult school. I eventually found myself reading books about engine design. So looking through course catalogs at a local adult school or community college might turn up something.
I did BJJ for a few years. The rabbit hole is very deep (which keeps me away from it now) but it was a source of a lot of non-correlated inputs: how non-sexual touch affects feelings of self and others, unspent aggression's role in anxiety (I've never been less anxious than after a good sparing session), and how fine, amazing, and underutilized our bodies are as tools.
Gardening was another source for me. Getting into fermentation was another. I spent some time building and upholstering my own furniture. I did a stint as a buildering graffiti artist 🍏 and another as an oil painter.
One of the weirder things I started doing recently that I don't actually have time for is perfume making.
Those are the highlights at least. Much other half-assery omitted. Fiction is the next best source of immersion probably. If stories weren't so hard to write, I'd demand all information be presented as a story.
Despite feeling strongly about this, I don't think I'm very good at it, which is bad.
Based on the variety of links and discussions you share alone, you're exceptional at this actually.
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