What’s the best way to get a federation invite code to test it out? I assume that would entail sending a mint some sats and getting fedimint eCash sent back? Aware that I should be going to a federation I trust already, but perhaps for low values there is somewhere to turn for testing.
Mostly a waiting game on more federations to pop up first. We're likely the first mainnet case outside of Fedi themselves and we use ours just for alpha testing right now with select people we know. Fedimint 0.2 just released recently so i would expect some more soon.
Awesome. Looking forward to watching it develop. A longer video of the alpha UX would be interesting. From pasting in a federation code, to what the ‘send’ and ‘receive’ button does now that there are three options (lightning, fedimint, onchain). I assume the text that gets pasted into the send field will know if the destination is a fedimint address? On receive the unified QR will have the information a fedimint address needs? What if you had two different federations added, does Mutiny support that? Seeing the full experience in action would be very interesting, even though it’s still early.
Totally. These are good questions and we handle all of that, so a full video would indeed be nice. I'll work on that soon.