Btw, I really like the idea of nostr and I see great potential in it. Saying this before anyone thinks I am just writing this because "SN is competing with nostr". I am not.
I am writing this because I want to believe in nostr but sometimes, it gets really hard.
The combination of bitcoin as a network for value and nostr as a network for identity sounds very promising.
But sometimes, it feels we're building identity theft in a honeypot disguised as a SaaS product and not a "decentralized, truly censorship-resistant open protocol".
Even @fiatjaf openly claims that he would like to fork the NIPs and while searching the note about this, I even found this note:
Cryptography is only needed in Nostr because relays are many and not just one. The relay infrastructure precedes the need for keys.
Maybe this is obvious, but just in case.
That's another indicator that nostriches really don't take cryptography serious like this comment in the NIP-44 PR about a note from @jb55:
You’ve mentioned “We now have more breakage between clients though. yay?” - seemed like a complaint. 🤷‍♂️
As for your question “how does it reduce metadata leakage”, the answer is simple: padding helps a lot, esp with small messages.
before it was “yes” => 3b ciphertext, which is really bad.
Can’t reply on nostr, because my client doesn’t see your post there
And apparently, also still sees nostr mainly to be about social networks:
A decentralized social network with a chance of working Learn about Nostr: A simple, open protocol that enables a truly censorship-resistant and global social network.
Imho, continuing to advertise nostr like this is stifling innovation in the space.