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I offer a professional service where I will craft a personalized comment for your bio profile at an affordable rate of just 500 sats. I guarantee a positive comment that will leave a lasting impression on other users.
Whether you are a regular member or a prominent figure on SN, I will take the time to ensure the comment stands out and reflects your individuality.
Place your order today!


In order to support both SN and ~agora, you must leave a comment below this post. I will quickly reply to it, and once you zap my reply, the payment will be complete. You will receive the item within 1 to 48 hours.

This offer is sponsored by ~Thawne Territory
this territory is moderated
wow, fun - I want to play with it too.
no replay from @Thawne - then how shall I zap ( pay ) you
and one more rule, can't use shitGDP to cheat:)!
busy with new year celebrations 😁 πŸŽ‰ will resume work right after the fireworks πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡ (don't pay yet)
This could basically be r/roastme but in reverse and you have to zap to get roasted, lol
for me, it's more like I like seeing how @Thawne is testing with small things - showing others what value exchange actually means, and nothing need to be so complicated!
Yeah, I think @Thawne is onto something here. But I am wondering if the comment on my bio will be worth 500 sats. @Thawne, you better make it count! I am your first customer after all :)
edit: btw, we take a 10% fee from all zaps for sybil resistance. If you content doesn't really matter for ranking (which is imo the case here), you can ask people to send you the payment via your LN address and add a sender comment like I did with @oracle here.
Just FYI @Thawne. Don't leave sats on the ground, lol :)
so now need to see what he will delivery!
it seems it's buy 1 get 2 free, he's tag me and @davidw
damn, what a steal πŸ˜‚
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 11 Jan 2024
Can I buy comments for the bios of other people?
yes. but i've been really, really busy lately (irl pow stuff), i will remain (half)inactive on SN for the next 3 to 4 weeks. once i return i will make a new post/offer, this one was just a beta test and is closed, the next one will be 21 times better πŸ˜‰
who's next?
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