Great article, thanks for sharing. I also went digging around that site a little more, never heard of it before, so a double thank you, I suppose!
What particularly strikes me is the colonial aspect of it all, a point the article makes quite openly: To the colonizers, the colonized were a) an undistinguishable mass and b) "always up to something", "evil" until controlled (where "evil" of course means "prone to resist their oppression and exploitation, won't just lie down and take it"). The ID scheme therefore originates in colonialized places, and only slowly creeps back into the colonizer countries, as the "home population" is getting colonized.
So the "Hobbesian" worldview, everyone is evil until caged (rather than: resistant BECAUSE caged...) arises from this (Hobbes' lifetime, not quite coincidentally, coincides with the beginning of British colonialism; the article doesn't state that) - it's not human nature, it's what oppressors think human nature is, when looking at those they oppress. (and tellingly, of course, elites never treat each other that way.)