• What are your specific plans to achieve them?
  • What tools are you planning on using?
  • Self-study or paid courses?
Do you want me to check in on you at the end of January to see if you are still sticking with your plans?
My resolution is to build this territory into a thriving platform by posting here myself at least once a day until the end of January to gauge interest.
Improve my German and Greek
I've been spending two years learning spanish, and I'm pretty good at expressing myself. In writing, I'm pretty undistinguishable from locals, they tell me. I have problems with listening comprehension. I'm moving to a Spanish-speaking country. So.. immersion!
Tried to learn Korean a few years ago, by the way.. what killed me was how what I consider a "literal" way of saying something never translates into Korean, and the Korean "literal" way of saying it sounds extremely poetic if translated byck word for word. I'd also love to learn mandarin. Steps!
Good job on the Spanish. Easier than Korean for an English speaker, I presume. Immersion will be the best to get even better.
Korean indeed is probably most similar to Japanese. The grammar with the verb at the end, and the huge attention to formalities (different conjugations depending on how much respect you want to convey) make it quite hard to learn. There is like 80% of form and 20% of actual message in a Korean sentence. Mix in the influence of Chinese in terms of vocabulary, and you got yourself there a nice challenge.
At least, the writing system is very simple...
I’ve escaped to the French Alps for new year- it’s apparent how neglected my French is…
I was actually thinking of trying Arabic on Duolingo the other day. What's the best free app in your opinion?
I haven't tried Duollingo since they moved away from community-created courses, but I imagine that they must have improved for the better. They are not free anymore?
For vocabulary, I recommend drilling yourself with Memrise or Anki decks, but as I don't know anything about Arabic, I can't give you specific recommendations for that one and how to best start.
Sorry, this is a post in a new territory I just created. I've amended the title to be less ambiguous.