It's all part of the social system of indoctrination. Like you point out, your parents, teachers, and everyone you meet are part of it, and you are expected to do your part as well through conditioning.
It's frightening, frankly, how many people think they owe something to the State, and don't see another way to live. All will to resist has been conditioned out of them, they were born in this system, and therefore must live and die in obedience to the system. Not unlike Vault 101: no one ever enters, and no one ever leaves.
And they don't even appear to realise that the system is not even doing the one thing that a State is meant to do: protect them. There are vestiges of protection via idiotic laws which treat people like idiots and criminals, but nothing is being done to solve poverty, take care of the elderly etc. Wars are fought only to advance political agendas.
In fact, the elderly are used as ball and chain for their children - people are being shamed if they don't care for their parents, because the State does not do it properly. So they are tied down to the country of their forefathers.
In most countries, it is impossible to renounce citizenship, should it make you stateless.
You cannot "unsubscribe" from the service which you're waaay overpaying given the quality.
Everything is designed to keep you from escaping the system.
All this while continually stealing from everyone through inflation.