“We as a community should ask how such an inefficient proposal, with significant potential harm to mining decentralization, has managed to progress as far as it has”.
As you’re asking the questions, my comments. Fundamentally, there is a cultural issue in Bitcoin FOSS development where devs are incentivized to ship code (grants and other financial compensations are mostly based on what you deliver) and as such most devs found themselves trapped to be “nice” with their peers to get review and social support for their own code projects, and better appreciation when it’s coming the time to re-new their grants.
Doing adversarial analysis and calling to cut technical complexity after months of development, at the price of slowing down some people agendas (e.g with v3 txn LSPs wishing to five the public image that LN is “safe”), might slow down your FOSS engineering career progress, so most of Bitcoin devs won’t do it.
No one is to blame specifically. That said current Bitcoin development culture is deeply concerning for a multi-billion dollar worldwide project :thinking_face:
(And personally I did call to better analysis and design process of policy changes for l2s as early as mid-2021 https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/2021/05/19/).