I would challenge the stable job idea. The idea of having a stable job is some kind of strange clown, fiat, hyper regulated world illusion. What the hell does it mean? You could have been a senior engineer in Nokia and find yourself jobless in a blink of an eye when it quickly went down.
I would replace that for a broader making-money stability. That means that:
  • you have marketable skills in sectors that pay well
  • you know how to sell yourself and even how to run a freelance/small business on your own
  • you work on improving yourself professionally
Job hoppers don't seem to do much worse than loyal-to-the-company employees, do they?
This is also related to having financial buffers, since a lot of professional endeavors you could chase will require some amount of capital for the kickstart.
The rest of your bullets feel very sensible to me.
I agree with you, and although I don't have any of the three points you've stated, I know how to get work if I need to.
"The rest of your bullets feel very sensible to me."
Which means that?..