I opt for a really low time preference, and patience is always my best companion. Working always with one or two weeks sprints, triggered my curiosity to explore a different, longer, extended timeframe to work with in this new coming year.
The question is, then, has ever been a way to define or name the 21days time period? I did not find any existing archetype or word that identify it! I know is a well known timeframe for building and to implant new habits in our brain or brake unwanted ones! As also adopted on fitness programs, detoxification, weight loss, or lifestyle change and other life challenges.
Wondering then, in the realm of productivity and time management, 21-day can be a timeframe to may focus on implementing new strategies or techniques to enhance efficiency and effectiveness?
I thought it would be fun to create a new word for it! Anyone interested in this challenge?
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is a written reinterpretation of the same sound. Maybe... that's just me fantasizing. Not really an expert in phonetic languages but it fun to play around.